Preserving the tradition; Rejoicing the taste of freedom that we have; Collecting the Limited edition set of Cards put as Pictorial journey of one of the greatest freedom fighters of the world – India’s Father of the nation – Mahatma Gandhi.
Information on Mahatma Gandhi is readily available on internet; moreover, as various media across the world and much of it makes a monotonous reading!
Here’s an idea, an idea of Mahatma Gandhi’s life as story in pictures represented as illustrations for that chapter of his life.
Small, Succinct, and even more interesting reading – each and every card specially designed to tell a story in themselves.
These cue cards – read when you like – read however many you like – read with as much convenience as you like (as opposed to holding heavy books while reading!) – give your children a graphic representation of the great Indian movement led by one of the greatest leaders of the country – of the world!